Spring at Kotronas village

The bell of a church in the abandoned village of Goneas over Kotronas. East Mani in the background. Laconia, Peloponnese
The bell of a church in the abandoned village of Goneas over Kotronas. East Mani in the background. Laconia, Peloponnese

Spring is the perfect season for exploring Peloponnese. During the last week of March, we visited Kotronas, a seaside village at eastern Mani. It was a wonderful experience. Wild flowers, clear blue sky, warm weather.

Kotronas is build near the ancient city of Teuthroni. The ancient city has been immersed into the sea after a great earthquake in 3d century BC. Ruins and findings of Teuthroni have been reported by divers and fishermen in the area around Skopa islet.

Daisies (Bellis perennis) on a wall at Kotronas village, Mani, Laconia, Greece
Daisies (Bellis perennis) on a wall at Kotronas village, Mani, Laconia, Greece

We used Kotronas as our base for exploring Mani. There are picturesque villages with maniot towers, οld chapels, monasteries, ancient remnants. The natural environment combines rugged mountains and the sea. This is heaven for outdoor photographers!

The main stair in the monastery of Sotiros, founded in 1500 AD. Kotronas, Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese
The main stair in the monastery of Sotiros, founded in 1500 AD. Kotronas, Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese

We decided to first visit the monastery of Sotiros, build on top of the mountain over Kotronas. It offers an impressive view of the entire Laconian Bay and eastern Mani. The monastery, build around 1500 AD is abandoned.

Frescos in Sotiros Monastery, 1500 AD. Kotronas, Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese
Frescos in Sotiros Monastery, 1500 AD. Kotronas, Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese

We visited the monastery after sunset. There was nobody around, it was very quiet. The iron door leading to the main stair opened with a creepy squeak.

Ruins in the abandoned Sotiros Monastery, founded in 1500 AD. Kotronas, Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese
Ruins in the abandoned Sotiros Monastery, founded in 1500 AD. Kotronas, Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese

The openings on the wall offered a splendid view of Kotronas Bay. The wind was blowing through them and created mind alerting sound effects. The wind was also moving that heavy wooden door, which was hitting on the wall, adding a mystery touch in the soundscape of the space.

A window in the wall of Sotiros Monastery looking to Laconian Bay
A window in the wall of Sotiros Monastery looking to Laconian Bay

I was thrilled with this place and proposed Calliope to setup our tent for the night inside the yard. She firmly denied!

Traditional architecture in Kotronas village. East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese
Traditional architecture in Kotronas village. East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese

We were lucky to find a nice and clean room with a beautiful sea view at Kotronas Bay Bungalows. The breakfast prepared by Mrs Maria Panagakou, the owner, was marvelous. I still remember her homemade marmalades with citrus fruits from her garden, her homemade bread, her delicious cakes and the fresh eggs from her own coop. Later on we found out that she is a distinguished chef. Highly recommended!

A church wall in Kotronas village. East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese
A church wall in Kotronas village. East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese

Next day we walked around Kotronas. There are many interesting traditional buildings. A few of them incorporate architectural pieces of the ancient city in their walls.

The peninsula that connects Kotronas village with Skopa islet. Here the findings include shells, obsidian stones and burials in jars. Kotronas, East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese
The peninsula that connects Kotronas village with Skopa islet. Here the findings include shells, obsidian stones and burials in jars. Kotronas, East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese

Skopa islet was one of the citadels of Teuthroni. Here was the sanctuary of goddess Artemis.

A woman enjoys the sun at Halikia-Vata pebble beach. Kotronas, Mani, Peloponnese, Greece
A woman enjoys the sun at Halikia-Vata pebble beach. Kotronas, Mani, Peloponnese, Greece

Near Skopa islet, there is a beautiful shingle beach,  Halikia-Vata. There’s a small coffee shop on the beach where we relaxed and enjoyed our greek coffee.

Waves hitting the rocks and the chapel in the small cove near Kotronas village. East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese
Waves hitting the rocks and the chapel in the small cove near Kotronas village. East Mani, Laconia, Peloponnese

The weather changed the last day with strong wind and high sea waves.

Spring in Peloponnese is a photo-paradise!

Ο Θεόδωρος Παπαγεωργίου είναι επαγγελματίας φωτογράφος και ζει στην Τρίπολη Αρκαδίας. Εμπνευσμένος από τα τοπία της Ελλάδας, επικεντρώνεται σε εικόνες που εξυμνούν την ανθρώπινη συνείδηση ως εκλεπτυσμένη δημιουργία της φύσης. Σκοπός του είναι η δημιουργία έργων, όλα τα στάδια παρασκευής των οποίων, όπως η λήψη της εικόνας, η επεξεργασία της, η επιλογή χαρτιών και η εκτύπωση, να γίνονται από τον ίδιο τον δημιουργό, προκειμένου τα υλικά χαρακτηριστικά του κάθε έργου να δρουν ενισχυτικά στο φωτογραφικό ίχνος.

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